
  1. 现金交易:

    客户持现金莅临MTT Centre柜台,选择需要兑入或兑出的货币和金额,并确认实时交易汇率后进行兑换,完成资金交割;

  2. 非现金交易:

    客户使用银行卡(DEBIT CARD)或银行本票(Money Order/Bank Draft)作为支付方式,交付MTT Centre并确认实时交易汇率。MTT Centre在确认收妥客户资金后,将所兑换货币交予客户。可接受的付款方式包括:加元银行卡(DEBIT CARD)、加元银行本票(Money Order/Bank Draft)。可供选择的支付方式包括:转账支票、银行本票、加拿大境内转账、国际转账等。



  3. 接受微信和支付宝转账。

    支付宝账户 : ayang@msbg.ca

    微信二维码 :



Currency Exchange Transaction Process

Cash Transaction

For customers with cash, decide the sort and amount of currency for selling or buying. The exchange transaction could only be completed after you confirm the real-time transaction rate.


Non-Cash Transaction

For customers with Debit Card or Money Order/Bank Draft as their payment tool, may consign to MTT Centre and confirm the real-time transaction rate. MTT Centre would present the exchanged amount to the customer right after the receipt confirmation of customer’s fund.

  • MTT Centre Currency exchange accepts the following forms of payment: CAD DEBIT CARD, CAD Money Order/Bank Draft;
  • MTT Centre available selections include the following forms of payment: cheque payment, bank draft, domestic accounts transfer and international accounts transfer.

Non-cash transaction customers enjoy much more preferential exchange rates.

(TipsŒŒ: Those who hold DEBIT CARD, please kindly see the same day limitation your bank has restricted to withdraw.)


Margin Trading

Margin Trading means customers open a special entrust & invest account with an amount of money deposited (security) as your guarantee through an agreement signed with MTT Centre. MTT Centre is committed to enact credit operating rates (that is the 10 times leverage effect) that investors will be free to buy and sell same value sight exchange within limitation of their amount.

It is a must that customers should complete money transaction with MTT Centre within 2 working days. Otherwise, the relative trading would be dealt with based on the violation of the agreement. Margin Trading let the small amount of investors take the advantage of their fairly small funds to bid for fairly big amount of foreign currency trading.


Foreign Currency Buy-back Guarantee

At MTT Centre, CUSTOMERS are always FIRST. Rooted in this concept, MTT Centre in particular has created a Foreign Currency Buy-back Guarantee service for the purpose of benefiting the tour customers to decrease the rate risk. Customers that bought foreign currency for the aim of traveling can sell back the amount to MTT based on the trading rate within one month starting from the day of buying. For this service, buyers need to show their proof of exchange and the amount is limited to the value of CAD300.00.


汇款种类 汇款金额 会 员 价 非会员价
汇出汇款 人民币
C$5,000以下 C $ 10.00 C$ 15.00
C$5,001以上 C$ 20.00 C$ 25.00
人民币非现金汇出汇款 C$ 10.00 C$ 15.00
美元/港币/欧元/英镑汇出汇款 C$ 25.00 C$ 30.00
原币汇出汇款 C$ 35.00 C$ 40.00
汇入汇款 人民币汇入汇款 C$ 10.00 C$ 15.00




MTT Centre利用自身搭建的汇款清算平台,向客户提供包括加元、美元、人民币、港币、欧元及英镑的特快汇款服务。


  1. 现金汇款:客户持汇款现金莅临MTT Centre柜台,填写《汇款申请书》并缴付汇款手续费,即时完成汇款交易;
  2. 非现金汇款:客户将需汇出的款项以银行卡(DEBIT CARD)、银行本票(Money Order/Bank Draft)交付MTT Centre。 MTT Centre在确认收到客户款项后,根据所提供的汇款信息将款项汇出。可接受的付款方式包括:加元银行卡(DEBIT CARD)、加元/银行本票(Money Order/Bank Draft)。使用非现金汇款更可享受优惠费率。



客户储蓄在中国国内银行账户中的人民币资金,可以通过MTT Centre指定账户,兑换汇入您在加拿大银行开设的加元/美元账户或提取加元/美元现金,用于生活、学习、旅游等日常支出。

Currency Exchange

Money Transfer

Travel Service

About us

MTT Centre was established in September, 2009 in Canada. Approved and registered by Canadian Federal Government ...

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